An Akai Fire Extension For Bitwig
This is an initial step sequencer implementation of the Akai Fire for Bitwig.
Update: I no longer use Bitwig Studio as a primary DAW and have since moved onto Studio One because BW isn't really evolving in the direction I'd hoped for (it's mainly focused on "the grid" now). As a consequence, I will not be updating this script further, however DrivenByMoss includes many scripts including an Akai Fire script for Bitwig that he updates regularly. I may revisit this as a standalone piece in the future but it's way down the priority list.
Thanks to the blog below for working out the Sysex/CC codes. I've not yet managed to integrate with the OLED screen but will look to do this and will probably need a similar Raspberry PI "sniffer" to progress that.
This was developed in Bitwig v2.3.5 so should work in this version and above (and maybe some before).
- v1.1 - Current (1st Dec 2019)
- Long clips causing errors - fixed
- "User 2" mode is now initial version of "keyboard mode" (use select / shift-select to transpose / change octave, select defaults to C3, set velocity as before)
- Mode light left on after exiting - fixed
- v1.0 - Initial Release (24 Nov 2019)
Unzip and copy the akaifire folder to your Bitwig extensions folder:
On Windows
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Bitwig Studio\Extensions\
On Mac
~/Documents/Bitwig Studio/Extensions/
On Linux
~/Bitwig Studio/Extensions/
Ensure your Akai Fire is connected via USB and go to Settings > Controllers > Add controller manually > Akai > Fire.
Choose MIDI device FL Studio Fire for both MIDI in and out.
Create an instrument track and select a clip to get started.